Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Merlin Sword Cake

A sword cake for my dear nephew aka Merlin enthusiast who turned 10 in 2010. I've had a long hiatus from cake baking/decorating....(over a year!) maybe one of these days i'll start up again.....!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


My youngest nephew's latest fascination..... monsters! For his 4th birthday, I made him this green and purple striped silly cyclops monster. And no better way to enjoy this bad boy than by slicing into a 'bloody' red velvet center! Happy Birthday to my cutie patootie!!

WWE Smackdown!

My cousin's sooo adorable little boy (that's him in the orange shirt and rosy cheeks) turned 4 years old this past February. And he LOVES wrestling!! He knows all of the wrestlers' names and has even demonstrated some of their signature moves for us, hehe. He is too cute! This was a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache icing that I had made for his birthday. Shout out to my twin for helping me with the cake! :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dino time!

My littlest nephew (that's him in the background) has this fascination with dinosaurs that just amazes me. He knows things that neither I nor most adults even know. I mean, the difference between herbivores and carnivores, and a brontosaurus and a velociraptor are merely elementary to him...and he was only turning 3! He was actually teaching me that these little orange things i'm putting on the dinosaur cake were called scales...he's just too much!

Anyway, this cake was simply two round chocolate cakes (with lots of chocolate ganache filling) that were cut and carved to make this dinosaur shape. After help from my older nephew (who so expertly created the life-like tongue as well as some prehistoric stones out of gumpaste), we did a lot of piping and voila- a dinosaur! I have to say though, it was kind of weird opening the fridge and seeing this creature in there. Oh, shout out to najira who helped me pipe on all that green icing!!

Tomagotchi Wedding Party!!

My little nephew had one of those little electronic gadgets that was popular years back and made a short-lived comeback again in 2008. After feeding and caring for his loving Tomagotchi so, the day finally arrived that his little pet Furikotchi (the clock-faced one) was not so little anymore. He was getting married! My nephew was soo excited, that I decided what better way to celebrate than to make a little wedding cake to celebrate the occasion :). The bride and groom, Furikotchi and Violetchi, as well as the flowers were made out of gumpaste. They lived happily ever after.....

Rainbow Cake

This was a cake I prepared in a Wilton class that I took at a Michael's store in the spring of 2008. Yes, this lucky person, Sonu, had two birthday cakes that year! I guess the only thing missing is the pot of gold beneath the clouds! :)

(And, yes, I haven't been keeping up with this blog :/, this post belongs with the other 12th birthday cake below!)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Pops

I saw these on 'Bakerella's' website, http://www.bakerella.blogspot.com/ and just had to try them out! They are just too cute! She makes different kinds of 'cake pops' and this is just one version. I definitely need a lot more practice with my chocolate coating technique, but it was still fun to make! Cake pops are basically cake and frosting mixed together, then rolled out into little balls and finally coated in chocolate and decorated. Thanks Bakerella for the cool idea!

Gumpaste Flowers

These are pics of gumpaste Violet and Hydrangea flowers that I had just learned to make. My hydrangea flower leaves didn't come out quite so right, so I didn't attach it to the flowers :).

Pre-teen Birthday Cake!

This is a chocolate cake baked for a 12th birthday. Much smaller than the previous cake I baked and therefore much easier to make!

Chocolate Embroidery Cake

This is the first cake that I made using fondant and my inspiration came from the Confetti Cakes Cookbook by Elisa Strauss. This cake is a replica of her 'Sex in the City' cake that I think was done for Charlotte's wedding in the show. I decided to replicate it for my sister's 21st birthday. I think it took me a total of 8 hours to decorate the cake (I baked the cakes the day before). The cake was red velvet with cream cheese filling. It was lots of fun and I was happy with it considering it was my first cake!